It is my contention that the strongest evidence for a historical defense of presbyterian ordination is to be sought in the city of Alexandria, which placed its apostolic origins at the feet of St. Mark. According to Eusebius, Annianus was the first bishop, and names Kerdon, Primus, Justus, and Keladion as some of the successors (Eusebius of Caesarea, Ecclesiastical History, 3.21; 4.4; 4.19).
Alistair Stewart is correct to point out that “it is noteworthy that nothing is said within the Mark legend of Mark’s death, implying a certain uncertainty on Eusebius’ part as to how it is that Annanius comes to be bishop.” (The Original Bishops: Office and Order in the First Christian Communities [Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2014], pg. 189)
A recently discovered Ethiopian text constitutes a strong piece of early evidence for the cause of presbytery:
“Māriqos Evangelist entered [Alexandria] on the seventh year of Neronǝs; he appointed 12 presbyters and seven deacons, and he gave them the following rule: A[ft]er the bishop of [Alexandria] has died, the presbyters will gather and they will lay their hands in the faith of God upon the one, among them, that they all will have selected, and thus they will appoint him as their bishop, at the presence of the corpse of the dead bishop. is doctrine has remained for the bishops whom they elect among the presbyters, from ʾAniyānos until the blessed Ṗeṭros, who is the sixteenth bishop of [Alexandria] is happened, not because there was any preference for the juridical principle that the presbyters should <appoint> — this had not been granted — yet because, on the contrary, a bishop had not yet been appointed for every region. After the blessed Ṗeṭros, it was established that the appointment of those to be appointed would be done by the bishops.” (Historia Episcopatus Alexandriae, 4th century text, Aksumite Collection, Collection Σ, fol. 5r)
I have yet to any response to this. Alistair Stewart never addresses it in his work, nor any other writers against presbyteral ordination that I have studied (such as Felix Cirlot's magnum opus Apostolic Succession: Is It True?). They are to be excused for this of course, since this Ethiopian text's publication is relatively recent. However, it ought to send a shock wave against those who question Jerome's reliability in this regard, to which we now briefly turn.
The most famous testimony on this quote is from Jerome, who wrote “At Alexandria, from Mark the Evangelist until Heraklas and Dionysius, the bishops, the presbyters always elected one from themselves, and put him in a higher rank, and named him bishop.” (Jerome, Epistle 146). Those who seek to answer Jerome by having him to speak only of presbyters electing a bishop, to the exclusion of ordination, fight against themselves and Jerome’s own words. He here distinguishes the duties of the Alexandrian presbyters to elect the bishop and “put him in a higher rank, and name[d] him bishop.” This latter action must be something different from election (lest we reduce the words of Jerome to a tautology). If it is not ordination and the conferral of office, then what is it?
A smaller source is from the Apophthegmata Patrum (The Sayings of the Desert Fathers). A group of Arians approached Poemon the anchorite and contend that the archbishop of Alexandria was ordained by presbyters (PG 65:341B).
There are also two significant pieces of later evidence beginning with Severus of Antioch (arguably the most well-known of the Monophysites) in the mid 6th century.
[1]. "And the bishop also of the city renowned for its orthodox faith, the city of the Alexandrines, used in former days to be appointed by presbyters; but in later times in accordance with the canon which has prevailed everywhere the solemn institution of their bishop has come to be performed by the hand of bishops, and no one contemns the strictness which prevails in the holy churches and has recourse to the former practices, which have yielded to the later clear, strict, approved, and spiritual ordinance." (Severus of Antioch, “Letter 93,” in The Sixth Book of the Select Letters of Severus, patriarch of Antioch [London: Text and Translation Society, 1903], 2:213)
Severus must be here speaking of the early Egyptian presbyters performing ordination, or else his testimony is made into a complete absurdity. For clearly the later canonical practice of ordination by bishops is put by Severus into an antithesis against the early practice of appointment by Alexandrian presbyters. Otherwise, what is so special an unique about the role which Severus ascribes to presbyters? These ministers had a power which
[2]. “The evangelist Mark appointed, together with the Patriarch Ananias, twelve other priests who could support him (in his ministry) and that, at the patriarch’s death, could appoint, instead of him, one of the twelve, while the other eleven placed their hands on his head, blessing him and consecrating him patriarch. Their task was then to choose a man of proven virtue, and to order him priest with them instead of the one that had been made patriarch, so that they were always twelve in number. The twelve priests of Alexandria continued to elect the Patriarch, following this rule, choosing him among the twelve priests, until the time of Alexander, Patriarch of Alexandria, who was one of three hundred and eighteen. In fact, he forbade the priests to elect a patriarch and also ordered that, on the occasion of the death of the patriarch, the bishops should gather together and elect the patriarch. He also ordered that, on the occasion of the death of the patriarch, they elect a man of proven virtue of whatever country, either one of the twelve priests or another that they had been found worthy, and consecrate him patriarch. It was thus interrupted the old rule that the priests were the ones who had to elect the patriarch, and the election went to the bishops.” (Eutychius of Alexandria, Eutychii Annales, in Eutychii Patriarchae Alexandrini Annales. Pars Prior, ed. L. Cheikho [Beryti-Parisiis, 1906], pp. 95, l. 13–96, l. 3; see also PL 111:982)
From the underlined portion of this text, we conclude that the Alexandrian presbyters ordained both their patriarch, and the priest who was to take his place after the installation of the former.
In all of these sources, there is disagreement as to when monoepiscopal system became established in the Alexandrian church. Severus of Antioch and Eutychius placed it around the time of Alexander (the well-known bishop who first excommunicated Arius). That would place it in the beginning of the 4th century. In modern scholarship, this opinion is followed by W. Telfer (“Episcopal Succession in Egypt,” in Journal of Ecclesiastical History, Vol. 3, no. 1 [January 1952], pg. 11). Jerome says it emerged during the episcopacy of Heraklas and Dionysius (this would be around AD 232-264 if we were to include both reigns together).
Some today have proposed that Demetrius (AD 189-232) ought to be regarded as the first proper “episkopos” in Alexandria (C. Wilfred Griggs, Early Egyptian Christianity: From Its Origins to 451 CE [Leiden: Brill, 1990], pgs. 61-62). Stewart is correct to point out that patristic testimony indicates only that Demetrius simply tightened episcopal control in the Alexandrian church after a period of persecution (particularly in his treatment of Origen), not that he was the first monoepiskopos. Stewart instead proposes another time for the standardization of monoepiscopal government in Alexandria: the patriarchate of Julian (AD 178-189), basing it on Eusebius’ words that “In his first year Julian became bishop of the Alexandrian churches, after Agripinnus had held the office for twelve years.” (Ecclesiastical History, 5.9), and the contemporary sayings of Clement of Alexandria regarding changes in the Egyptian church polity.
“Eutychius is generally considered to be a blundering and incompetent historian, but the inability of Severus to refute his statement that there were no bishops in Egypt outside Alexandria for the first two centuries C.E. (beyond stating that ‘the bishops’ met together on three occasions) lends some credence to his statement that Demetrius first consecrated bishops in Egypt.” (C. Wilfred Griggs, Early Egyptian Christianity: From Its Origins to 451 CE [Leiden: Brill, 2000], pg. 91)
Alistair Stewart explains away the laying on of hands (χειροτονιον) as simply a rite of election done by presbyters, rather than ordination (The Original Bishops, pg. 194). Yet he does not take this same explanation of the Greek when he examines Acts 14:23 (The Original Bishops, pg. 36). Why does he choose to invent a new meaning for χειροτονιον when it involves presbyters, and not when it is used with respect to Paul and Barnabas?