Dec 21, 2021

A Tridentine Cardinal on the Church Fathers and the Immaculate Conception


Cardinal Melchior Cano
"All the saints who happen to make mention of this matter have with one mouth asserted that the Virgin Mary was conceived in original sin. This St. Ambrose lays down, this St. Augustine repeatedly; this St. Chrysostom, this Eusebius Emissenus, this Remigius and Maximus; this Bede and Anslem, affirm; this St. Bernard and Erhardhus, bishop and martyr, with a multitude beside." (Melchior Cano, De Sanctorum Auctoritate, Book 7, Chapter 3) 

Latin text (including citations from each of the fathers/writers mentioned): 

Sancti nanque omnes, qui in eius rei mentionem incidere, uno ore asseverarunt, Beatam virginem in peccato originali conceptam, hoc videlicet Ambr. astruit super psal. 118. 6. hoc Aug. super Psalmum 34. in illum versiculum, Ego autem, cum mihi molesti essent, etc. et lib. secundo de baptismo parvulorum capit. 24. et 10. super Genesim, ad literam capit. 18 et lib. 53. contra Iulianum cap. 9. hoc Chry. super Matthae. hoc Eus. Emis. in 2. concione Nativitatis Domini, hoc Remigius super Psalmum vicesimum primum, et Maximus in sermone de Assumptione. Beatae virginis astruxere. Idem quoque afirmat Beda in homilia super Missus est. Anselmus in lib. cur deus homo cap. 16. Bernard. in epistola ad Lugdunenses. 174. Erardus episcopus, et martyr in concione quadam de Nativitate Beatae virginis, sanctus Antonius Paduanus in concione etiam de Nativitate eiusdem sanctae virginis, sanctus Bernardinus in sermonum suorum opere tertio in tractatu de Beata virgine concione (,_Cano_Melchior,_De_Locis_Theologicis,_LT.pdf)

Here is the text from the actual work:

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